河合KAWAI-K-500紅 原裝直立式鋼琴 正原廠貨



功率,動態範圍和音色豐富度的結合使K-500立式鋼琴成為世界上最受歡迎的立式鋼琴之一。K-500立式鋼琴採用革命性的Kawai Milennium III立式鋼琴演奏,具有超靈敏的觸感,可為鋼琴家帶來非凡的動態範圍和控制力。這種非凡的觸感與豐富,響亮的音色相輔相成,其高品質的固體雲杉音板引起了共鳴,可帶來深刻的音樂表達。K系列K-500專為在立式鋼琴中提供最佳演奏而精心設計,可滿足任何專業教學工作室的需求。
The combination of power, dynamic range, and tonal richness makes the K-500 upright piano one of the most sought-after upright pianos in the world. Featuring the revolutionary Kawai Milennium III Upright Action, the K-500 upright piano delivers an ultra-responsive touch offering pianists extraordinary dynamic range and control. Complementing this exceptional touch is a rich, resounding tone that resonates from its high-quality solid spruce soundboard allowing for profound musical expression. Crafted to deliver the finest performance in an upright piano, the K Series K-500 is well-equipped to meet the demands of any professional teaching studio.








Millennium III Upright Action 打弦系統

Millennium III Upright Action具有由ABS-碳製成的組件,這是一種通過將碳纖維注入我們著名的ABS Styran中而製成的複合材料。 ABS碳纖維堅固而堅固,可在不犧牲強度的情況下製造出重量更輕的動作部件。 結果是比傳統的全木動作更強大,更快的動作提供了更大的力量,更好的控制和更大的穩定性。

Millennium III Upright Action features components made of ABS-Carbon, a composite material created by the infusion of carbon fiber into our renowned ABS Styran. ABS-Carbon is incredibly sturdy and rigid, which allows the creation of action parts that are lighter without sacrificing strength. The result is a stronger, faster action that offers more power, better control and greater stability than conventional all-wood actions.

Die-Cast Aluminum 結構

壓鑄零件由定制模具製成,每次成型都完全相同。 K系列鋼琴具有三個Die-Cast Aluminum 結構,可提供強度,均勻性和穩定性的額外衡量,以確保隨著時間的推移準確觸感。

Made from a custom mold, die-cast parts are formed exactly the same every time. The K Series pianos feature three aluminum action brackets that are die-cast to provide an added measure of strength, uniformity and stability for accurate touch over time.


較長的琴鍵使演奏更加輕鬆,並且從演奏表面的前部到後部提供了更均勻的響應。 給玩家帶來的好處是更好的控制和更多的力量,而更少的努力。

Longer keys make playing easier and provide more even response from the front to the back of the playing surface. The benefits to the player are greater control and more power with less effort.

TONE  音調


音板是鋼琴的心臟。 其目的是將鋼琴琴弦的振動轉換成豐富,響亮的音調。 Kawai僅對K系列音板使用直紋,四角鋸材雲杉。 每個音板在策略上都呈錐形,以最大化其音調產生能力。 只有達到或超過我們要求的質量標準的鋼琴才會被選用於我們的專業立式鋼琴。

The soundboard is the heart of a piano. Its purpose is to transform the vibrations of the piano’s strings into a rich, resounding tone. Kawai uses only straightgrained, quartersawn solid spruce for K Series soundboards. Each soundboard is strategically tapered to maximize its tone producing capability. Only those that meet or exceed our demanding quality standards are selected for use in our professional upright pianos.

桃花心木芯 & T型釘雙氈錘

桃花心木錘造型輕巧,反應靈敏。 桃花心木僅在最上等的鋼琴中發現,用於整個K系列專業立式鋼琴生產線的錘擊成型。 所有K系列錘子均經過T釘固定,以保持錘子的形狀,並配有未加氈襯的內部層,以支持創造非凡音調。

Mahogany hammer mouldings are lightweight and extremely responsive. Found on only the finest pianos, mahogany is used for the hammer mouldings on the entire line of K Series Professional Upright Pianos. All K Series hammers are T-Stapled to preserve hammer shape and fitted with an added interior layer of underfelt to support the creation of exceptional tone.



鋼琴的鍵滑是一塊長而水平的木頭,覆蓋了琴鍵的正面。 由於長而薄且由木頭製成,因此鍵滑會隨著濕度的變化而彎曲或彎曲,從而導致鍵粘住。 為消除此問題,添加了重鋼角鋼以防止在任何方向上翹曲和彎曲。 按鍵移動更加自由,幾乎沒有摩擦或粘在按鍵滑上的可能性。

The piano’s keyslip is the long, horizontal piece of wood that covers the front faces of the keys. Because it is long, thin and made of wood, a keyslip can warp or bend with changes in humidity, causing keys to stick. To eliminate this problem, a heavy-guage steel angle iron is added to prevent warping and bending in any direction. Keys move more freely with virtually no possibility of rubbing or sticking against the keyslip.


鋼琴的鍵座必須堅固且穩定,以支持動感組裝並在多年的頻繁使用下保持動作規則。 K系列鍵床由堅固的層壓硬木製成,並通過鐵架上的後支架進行加固,有助於確保穩定的放置並增加剛度以防止能量損失。

The piano’s keybed must be strong and stable to support the action assembly and maintain action regulation over years of heavy use. K Series keybeds are made with sturdy laminated hardwoods and reinforced by rear braces on the iron frame that help to ensure stable placement and add rigidity to prevent energy loss.


尺寸 高度 130 cm
寬度 150 cm
深度 62 cm
重量 238 kg
觸感 白鍵 NEOTEX
打弦器 Millennium III
音槌 桃花心木
音色 響板 實木雲杉、錐形設計
第一弦長度 1,230 mm
截止線 2
雙倍共鳴 前端
背柱 5
外觀設計 踏板 柔軟、消音、減震
腳輪 黃銅、單輪
其他特色 穩定鍵盤角鋼、鍵床支撐架


  • Exclusive Millennium III Upright Action with ABS-Carbon Composites
  • The Partial (Upper) Duplex Scale enhances harmonics in the treble range, adding brilliance and richness to the piano’s tone.
  • NEOTEX™ Key Surfaces
  • Double Felted, Mahogany Core Hammers
  • Height Adjustable Bench


重量 260 kg
尺寸 132 × 153 × 65 cm



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