河合KAWAI-GL-40 原裝平台鋼琴 正原廠貨



GL-40經典沙龍三角鋼琴採用獨家的帶有ABS-碳複合材料的Millennium III動作,將精確度和細微差別完美地結合在一起,將激發音樂藝術的最熱情表達。 除了使GL系列樂器成為2016年MMR雜誌全球音樂行業“年度產品”的高級功能之外,GL-40還具有Kawai CORE系統。 CORE是首字母縮寫詞,指的是鋼琴的強度中心(邊緣,板和下橫梁)全部集中在樂器中心的一個中心點上的方式,以最大程度地增強內部邊緣的反射能力並提供更大的音調保持力和功率 。 核心系統增強了演奏者的整體音樂體驗。 彈奏GL-40三角鋼琴,以了解如何在未來幾年內改變您的音樂。
Featuring the exclusive Millennium III Action with ABS-Carbon composites, the GL-40 Classic Salon Grand Piano offers the perfect combination of precision and nuance that will inspire the most passionate expressions of musical artistry. In addition to the wide range of advanced features that made the GL Series of instruments MMR Magazine’s global music industry “Product of the Year” in 2016, the GL-40 features the Kawai CORE System. CORE is an acronym that refers to the way the piano’s strength centers (the rim, plate and underside beams) all focus on one central point at the heart of the instrument to maximize the reflective capabilities of the inner rim and provide greater tonal sustain and power. The CORE System enhances the total musical experience for the player. Play the GL-40 grand piano to understand how it can transform your music for years to come.








Millennium III 高反應碳纖打弦器

Millennium III Action具有由ABS-碳製成的組件,這是一種通過將碳纖維注入我們著名的ABS Styran中而製成的複合材料。 ABS碳纖維堅固而堅固,可在不犧牲強度的情況下製造出重量更輕的動作部件。 結果是比傳統的全木動作更強大,更快的動作提供了更大的力量,更好的控制和更大的穩定性。

The Millennium III Action features components made of ABS-Carbon, a composite material created by the infusion of carbon fiber into our renowned ABS Styran. ABS-Carbon is incredibly sturdy and rigid, which allows the creation of action parts that are lighter without sacrificing strength. The result is a stronger, faster action that offers more power, better control and greater stability than conventional all-wood actions.


較長的琴鍵使演奏更加輕鬆,並從演奏表面的正面到背面提供更均勻的響應。 更高的外形和一致長度的按鍵使它們更加堅固,以提供出色的能量傳遞和最佳動力

Longer keys make playing easier and provide a more even response from the front to the back of the playing surface. A taller profile and concert-length key buttons make them more rigid to provide exceptional energy transfer and optimum power.

TONE  音調


音板是鋼琴的心臟。 其目的是將鋼琴琴弦的振動轉換成豐富,響亮的音調。 Kawai僅對GL系列音板使用直紋,四角鋸切的雲杉。 每一個在策略上都是錐形的,以在每個區域提供適當程度的共振運動。 GL系列三角鋼琴只能選擇達到或超過我們要求的共鳴標準的音板。

The soundboard is the heart of a piano. Its purpose is to transform the vibrations of the piano’s strings into a rich, resounding tone. Kawai uses only straightgrained, quarter-sawn solid spruce for GL series soundboards. Each one is strategically tapered to provide the proper degree of resonant movement in each region. Only soundboards that meet or exceed our demanding resonance standards are selected for use in the GL series grand pianos.

核心系統(僅GL-40 / 50)

CORE是首字母縮寫詞,代表“收斂於最佳反射能量”。 會聚是指鋼琴的強度中心(邊緣,板和下橫梁)全部集中在樂器中心的一個中心點上的方式。 這種重點創造了難以置信的強大“核心”基礎,可以最大限度地發揮內輪輞的反射能力,從而實現出色的音調和維持效果。

CORE is an acronym that represents “Convergence for Optimum Reflected Energy.” Convergence refers to the way the piano’s strength centers—the rim, plate and underside beams—all focus on one central point at the heart of the instrument. This focus creates an incredibly strong “core” foundation that maximizes the reflective capabilities of the inner rim for outstanding tonal power and sustain.



SOLID結構為支撐弦線張力創造了異常堅固的基礎。 首先,將銷釘固定到板上。 然後,將銷釘塊和重疊的擔架棒整合為單個結構,並牢固地錨固在輪輞上。 擔架的非凡厚度體現了這種堅固框架的結構完整性,旨在確保穩定的音調和強勁的音調。

SOLID construction creates an exceptionally rigid foundation to support string tension. First, the pinblock is fitted to the plate. Then, the pinblock and over-lapping stretcher bar are integrated into a single structure and solidly anchored to the rim. The extraordinary thickness of the stretcher bar exemplifies the structural integrity of this sturdy framework designed to ensure stable tuning and powerful tone.


鐵骨是鋼琴的聲學中性鐵上層結構,琴弦在其上張緊。 所有GL系列印版均採用帶有“十字骨設計”的真空模製工藝(V-Pro)模製而成。 堅固,穩定且美觀。

The plate is the acoustically-neutral iron superstructure of the piano over which the strings are tensioned. All GL Series plates are molded using the Vacuum Mold Process (V-Pro) with “Crossbone Design.” The result is a plate that is strong, stable and beautiful.


尺寸 長度 180公分
寬度 152公分
高度 102公分
重量 324 kg
觸鍵 白鍵 壓克力
黑鍵 苯酚
打弦器 Millennium III
琴槌 GL系列音槌
音色 響板 錐形雲杉
定弦裝置 1-54 鍵
雙倍共鳴 前端、後端
背柱 3
外觀設計 踏板 延音, 特定音, 弱音
輪子 單輪, 黃銅
頂蓋 3種角度
譜架 可調位置 5種角度
其他特色 Stretcher重疊式設計







    • Kawai’s Exclusive Millennium III Action – Featuring ABS-Carbon Technology with Carbon Fiber
    • Stretcher Over-Lap Integrated Design (SOLID) – Double-width Stretcher Bar for optimum strength
    • Extended Length Keysticks – For more even response from the front to the back of each key
    • Concert-Length Key Buttons – Doubled length for maximum energy transfer and optimum power
    • Solid Spruce Precision Tapered Soundboard – Permanently crowned for long-term tonal stability
    • Dual-Duplex Scaling – For added tonal richness
    • Solid Brass Agraffes – For even string spacing and easier tuning
    • Multi-Grip 11-Ply Laminated Pin Block
    • V-Pro Plate – Gray Iron with “Crossbone” Design
    • Steel-Reinforced Keyslip for strength and stability to avoid sticking keys
    • Steel-Reinforced, Multi-Laminated Keybed for strength and optimum energy transfer
    • Ultra-slow “Soft Fall” Fallboard Closing System
    • KAWAI Ten Year FULL Transferable Ma

    nufacturer’s Warranty


重量 260 kg
尺寸 132 × 153 × 65 cm



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