河合KAWAI-ES-110 河合數位鋼琴 正原廠貨



ES110提供了一些價格合理的樂器中最好的功能和技術,是對Kawai便攜式鋼琴產品線的絕佳介紹。 ES110的鍵盤具有88個按比例加權的按鍵,旨在再現原聲鋼琴的獨特感覺。 ES110的聲音和触感使用先進的Harmonic Imaging Sound技術精心錄製和再現了Kawai世界一流的音樂會三角鋼琴的全部88個鍵,使新手或有經驗的演奏者都彷彿在用優質的聲學樂器演奏一樣。 對於初學者,ES110提供內置的課程功能,可調節的節拍器,樂曲錄音器和“分體”播放模式,使雙手可以獨立練習。 它也可以成為任何帶有可選支架和踏板琴配件的房間的引人入勝的文化補充。
Offering some of the finest features and technology available in an affordable instrument, the ES110 is an excellent introduction to the Kawai portable piano line. The ES110’s keyboard offers 88 grade-weighted keys designed to reproduce the distinctive feel of an acoustic piano. With all 88 keys of Kawai’s world-class concert grand piano meticulously recorded and reproduced using advanced Harmonic Imaging Sound Technology, the ES110’s sound and touch will make new or experienced players feel as though they are performing on a fine acoustic instrument. For beginning students, the ES110 offers a built-in lesson function with adjustable metronome, song recorder and “split” playing mode that allows the hands to practice independently. It can also become an attractive cultural addition to any room with optional stand and pedal lyre accessories.






備受推崇的ES系列是令人印象深刻的補充,超便攜的ES110具有新的響應式錘擊緊湊型鍵盤操作,諧波成像88鍵鋼琴採樣以及內置的Bluetooth®連接功能,可在演奏時提供演出友好的三角鋼琴手感和音色。 非常實惠的價格。


■  Brand new Responsive Hammer Compact keyboard action
■  Kawai EX concert grand piano sounds, full 88-key sampling
■  19 sounds, Dual & Split playing modes, 100 drum rhythms
■  Dedicated stereo Line Out jacks

■  Integrated Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology
■  Built-in classical etudes and Alfred lesson books
■  Ultra-portable, sturdy chassis weighing just 12.0 kg
■  Designer stand and triple pedal bar accessories available



ES110的全新響應式錘擊緊湊型鍵盤操作經過專門開發,可讓便攜式樂器重現原聲三角鋼琴的獨特手感。 基於備受推崇的RH動作設計,其無彈簧技術和堅固的結構可提供一致的向上和向下運動,從而提供平穩,自然和高度真實的鋼琴演奏體驗。

The ES110’s brand new Responsive Hammer Compact keyboard action has been specially developed to allow portable instruments to reproduce the distinctive touch of an acoustic grand piano. Based on the highly-regarded RH action design, its spring-less technology and sturdy construction delivers consistent upward and downward motion for a smooth, natural, and highly authentic piano playing experience.


正如原聲鋼琴使用較重的低音錘和較輕的高音錘一樣,RHCII鍵盤操作也採用了不同的錘子重量,並針對每個演奏範圍進行了適當的分級。 這樣的細節在取樂過程中提供了更大的穩定性,同時又保持了細微的鋼琴演奏控制,甚至可以滿足最挑剔的鋼琴演奏者的要求。

Just as acoustic pianos utilise heavier bass hammers and lighter treble hammers, the RHCII keyboard action also employs different hammer weights, appropriately graded for each playing range.Such details provide greater stability during fortissimo passages, while preserving delicate pianissimo control, to satisfy the demands of even the most discerning pianist.



Kawai EX音樂會三角鋼琴被專業鋼琴家和鋼琴技術人員廣泛視為同類產品中最好的樂器之一。 每台EX樂器都是由日本工匠大師在日本Ryuyo的Shigeru Kawai鋼琴研究實驗室手工建造而成,在經過特殊設計的消聲室內經過細緻的調節和細化處理。 經過漫長的精心製作,完成後的EX演唱會三角鋼琴將接受一系列嚴格的質量檢查,然後最終成為世界上最負盛名的音樂機構和音樂廳的中心舞台。

The Kawai EX concert grand piano is widely regarded by professional pianists and piano technicians as one of the finest instruments within its class. Hand-built by Master Piano Artisans at the Shigeru Kawai Piano Research Laboratory in Ryuyo, Japan, each EX instrument undergoes a meticulous regulation and refinement process within a specially designed anechoic chamber.Following this lengthy crafting period, the completed EX concert grand piano receives a final series of rigorous quality inspections, before eventually taking centre stage in the world’s most prestigious musical institutions and concert halls.


ES110數碼鋼琴捕捉了川井備受讚譽的音樂會三角鋼琴的優美音色,使用先進的諧波成像技術精心記錄,分析和忠實再現了該特殊樂器的全部88鍵。 以這種方式分別錄製每個琴鍵,可以保留EX演唱會三角鋼琴的豐富和聲特徵,並保證在演奏ES110的任何加權琴鍵時聽到的聲音都是原始聲源的忠實代表。

The ES110 digital piano captures the beautiful sound of Kawai’s highly acclaimed concert grand piano, with all 88 keys of this exceptional instrument meticulously recorded, analysed and faithfully reproduced using advanced Harmonic Imaging technology.Recording each key individually in this way, preserves the rich harmonic character of the EX concert grand piano, and guarantees that the sound heard when playing any one of the ES110’s weighted keys is a faithful representation of the original acoustic source.


彈奏精美鋼琴時,施加在鍵盤上的壓力不僅會影響所產生聲音的音量,還會影響每個音符的獨特音調特徵。 因此,為了構造逼真的EX音樂會三角鋼琴聲學肖像,不僅要單獨錄製每個琴鍵,而且還要錄製各種音量,從柔和的鋼琴演奏到雷鳴的fortissimo。 ES110採用Kawai專有的Harmonic Imaging採樣技術,可提供極為詳盡的聲學肖像,以確保鍵盤上以及整個動態範圍內的平滑音調過渡。

When playing a fine piano, the amount of pressure applied to the keyboard affects not only the volume of the sound produced, but also the unique tonal character of each note. Therefore, in order to construct a realistic acoustic portrait of the EX concert grand piano, not only is each key recorded individually, but also at various different volumes, ranging from gentle pianissimo to thunderous fortissimo.The ES110 offers a highly detailed acoustic portrait, employing Kawai’s proprietary Harmonic Imaging sampling technology to ensure smooth tonal transitions across the keyboard and throughout the entire dynamic range.


還可以應用模擬混音室,現場舞台或音樂廳的聲學環境的附加混響效果,並進行設置以調整髮聲,交感共鳴和其他聲學特性。 結果是豐富,充滿活力的鋼琴音色,提供了驚人的真實感和真實性。

Additional reverberation effects that simulate the acoustic environment of a recital room, live stage, or concert hall are also applied, with settings to adjust voicing, sympathetic resonance, and other acoustic characteristics.The result is a rich, vibrant piano tone that delivers breathtaking realism and authenticity.



令人印象深刻的ES110具有多種功能,以補充其真實的鍵盤觸感和豐富的三角鋼琴音色。 內置的課程功能以及可調節的節拍器和樂曲記錄器,是有抱負的鋼琴家的寶貴工具,而其他樂器音色,雙重和分裂演奏模式以及100種鼓節奏可讓各級演奏者沉迷於創作精神。 現場演奏者會喜歡專用的Line Out插孔來增強聲音,而集成的Bluetooth®和標準MIDI端口可確保與智能設備,計算機和其他樂器連接時的靈活性。

The impressive ES110 offers a variety of features to complement its authentic keyboard touch and rich grand piano sounds. The built-in lesson function, with adjustable metronome and song recorder, is an invaluable tool for aspiring pianists, while additional instrument voices, Dual and Split playing modes, and 100 drum rhythms allow players of all levels to indulge their creative spirit.Live players will appreciate dedicated Line Out jacks for sound reinforcement, while integrated Bluetooth® and standard MIDI ports ensure flexibility when connecting with smart devices, computers, and other instruments.


ES110的便捷課程功能使有抱負的鋼琴家能夠使用Burgmüller練習曲集學習古典鋼琴,或從頗受歡迎的Alfred Basic鋼琴教程中學習歷史悠久的標準。 每個練習曲或樂曲的左手和右手部分可以分別練習,內置節拍器和可調節的速度控件有助於改善音調和節奏。 *帶註釋的樂譜和Alfred課本分開出售。

The ES110’s convenient lesson function allows aspiring pianists to study classical piano using a collection of Burgmüller etudes, or learn time-honoured standards from the popular Alfred Basic Piano course books.The left and right hand parts of each etude or song can be practised separately, with the built-in metronome and adjustable tempo controls helping to improve timing and rhythm.
* Notated scores and Alfred lesson books sold separately.


作為逼真的原聲鋼琴聲音的補充,ES110還提供其他樂器聲音的選擇,包括電鋼琴,風琴,琴弦,原聲和電貝司以及顫音琴。 雙重和分割演奏模式還允許同時演奏兩種不同的聲音(例如原聲鋼琴和弦樂合奏),以獲得更複雜的聲音,從而激發更大的音樂創造力。

Supplementing its realistic acoustic piano voices, the ES110 also offers a selection of additional instrument sounds, including electric pianos, organs, strings, acoustic and electric bass, and vibraphone.The Dual and Split playing modes also allow two different voices, such as an acoustic piano and a string ensemble, to be played together for a more complex sound that inspires even greater musical creativity.


ES110僅重12公斤,非常適合那些想找一台具有真正觸感和高品質聲音的便攜式樂器的演奏者使用。 專用的立體聲Line Out插孔可以直接連接到調音台和PA,還可以使樂器的內置揚聲器用作本地監視器。

Weighing just 12 kilos, the ES110 is ideal for gigging musicians looking for a portable instrument with authentic touch and high quality sounds.Dedicated stereo Line Out jacks allow direct connection to mixers and PAs, with the ability to also leave the instrument’s built-in speakers enabled for use as local monitors.


除了標準的MIDI端口外,ES110還具有集成的藍牙MIDI,使樂器可以與受支持的智能設備進行無線通信。 與電話或平板電腦配對後,ES110所有者可以使用各種音樂應用程序輕鬆擴展鋼琴的功能-無需任何額外的電纜或適配器。 *藍牙®功能的可用性可能會因市場區域而異。 *有關更多信息,請參閱Bluetooth MIDI信息支持頁面。

In addition to standard MIDI ports, the ES110 also boasts integrated Bluetooth MIDI, allowing the instrument to communicate with supported smart devices wirelessly. Once paired with a phone or tablet, ES110 owners can easily expand the piano’s functions using a wide range of music apps – without the need for any extra cables or adaptors.
* Availability of Bluetooth® function may vary depending on market area.
* For more information please refer to the Bluetooth MIDI Information support page.


雖然價格範圍內的其他便攜式數碼鋼琴可能提供簡單的開/關開關踏板,但ES110實際上包括高質量的阻尼踏板,該踏板允許按標准進行漸進式半踏板。 這款由Kawai生產的F-10H裝置具有堅固的結構,防滑的橡膠底座,很重的全長金屬踏板,並利用高分辨率的光學傳感技術進行可靠而準確的速度檢測。

While other portable digital pianos in its price range may provide a simple on/off switch pedal, the ES110 actually includes a high-quality damper pedal that allows progressive half-pedalling as standard.This Kawai produced F-10H unit features a solid construction with non-slip rubber base, a realistically weighted full-length metal pedal, and utilises high resolution optical sensing for reliable and accurate velocity detection.



HML-1設計器支架將便攜式ES110轉變為超緊湊,時尚的鋼琴替代品。 這個堅固的平台由木頭製成,是ES110所有者尋求不受歡迎的鍵盤支架的現代,有吸引力的替代方案的理想解決方案。 ES110使用四個易於管理的翼形螺釘固定在HML-1支架上,從而可以輕鬆拆卸儀器並在路上攜帶。 *提供匹配的黑色時尚或白色優雅外觀。 *尺寸:130(W)x 28(D)x 68(H)厘米

The HML-1 designer stand transforms the portable ES110 into ultra-compact, stylish piano replacement.Crafted from wood, this sturdy platform is the ideal solution for ES110 owners seeking a modern, attractive alternative to uninviting keyboard stands. The ES110 secures to the HML-1 stand using four manageable thumb screws, allowing the instrument to be easily decoupled and taken on the road.
* Available in matching Stylish Black or Elegant White finishes.
* Dimensions: 130 (W) x 28 (D) x 68 (H) cm


F-350三重踏板桿固定在HML-1支架上,以超緊湊的包裝形式提供成熟的三角鋼琴演奏體驗。 與Kawai的大型控制台樂器一樣,F-350三重踏板桿複製了Kawai EX Concert三角鋼琴的阻尼,柔和和柔音功能,進一步增強了ES110像原聲鋼琴一樣的真實性。 *提供匹配的黑色時尚或白色優雅外觀。 *還需要HML-1設計器支架。 *尺寸:127(寬)x 20(深)x 7(高)厘米

The F-350 triple pedal bar attaches to the HML-1 stand to deliver a fully-fledged grand piano playing experience in an ultra-compact package.As with Kawai’s large console instruments, the F-350 triple pedal bar replicates the damper, soft, and sostenuto functionality of a Kawai EX Concert grand piano, further enhancing the ES110’s acoustic piano-like authenticity.
* Available in matching Stylish Black or Elegant White finishes.
* HML-1 designer stand also required.
* Dimensions: 127 (W) x 20 (D) x 7 (H) cm


對於定期演出的活躍音樂人,SC-2襯墊gigbad提供了一種強大而時尚的解決方案,可在家庭,錄音棚和舞台之間運輸ES110。 SC-2 gigbag由結實的複合材料製成,具有厚實的內部填充物,以及用於拉線和踏板的大前袋,是所有級別的ES110播放器旅行必不可少的配件。 *可用性取決於市場位置。 *確切的外觀可能會因市場位置而異。 *尺寸:132(寬)x 15(深)x 29(高)厘米

For active musicians that perform regularly, the SC-2 padded gigbad provides a strong yet stylish solution for transporting the ES110 between the home, studio, and stage.

Manufactured from rugged, composite materials, with thick internal padding, and a large front pocket for cables and pedals, the SC-2 gigbag is an essential accessory for travelling ES110 players of all levels.
* Availability dependent on market location.
* Exact appearance may vary depending on market location.
* Dimensions: 132 (W) x 15 (D) x 29 (H) cm



Keyboard ・ Responsive Hammer Compact action
– 88 keys
– Grade-weighted hammers
– Matte key surfaces
Pedal ・ F-10H pedal unit
– Damper (with half-pedal support)
Piano Sound ・ Harmonic Imaging (HI)
– 88-key stereo sampling
– EX recording
– 192 note maximum polyphony
Piano Resonance – Damper Resonance
Piano Adjustment ・Virtual Technician (7 parameters)
– Touch Curve
– Voicing
– Damper Resonance
– Damper Noise
– Fall-back Noise
– Temperament
– Temperament Key
No. of Sounds 19 voices
Reverb 3 types
Other Effects Preset (can be disabled)
Speakers 12 cm x 2
Output Power 14 W (7 W × 2)
Headphone Enhancements
Key Cover
Music Rest Detachable type (included)
Dimensions Width 131 cm (51 2/3″)
Depth 28.5 cm (11 1/4″)
Height 15 cm (6″) [music rest detached]
Weight 12 kg (26 1/2 lbs.)
Available Finishes Stylish Black (ES110B)
Elegant White (ES110W)
Basic Functions Dual
Registration (4 memories)
Startup Setting
Speakers On/Off
Internal Songs Sound Demo 12 songs
Piano Music
Concert Magic
Lesson Songs Burgmüller 25 (25 Etudes Faciles, Opus 100)
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Lesson Book Level 1A
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Lesson Book Level 1B
Internal Recorder Total Memory approximately 15,000 notes
No. of Songs 3 songs
Parts 1 part
Metronome Time Signatures 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 3/8, 6/8
Drum Rhythms 100 patterns
Bluetooth * Bluetooth (Ver. 4.1; GATT compatible)
Bluetooth Low Energy MIDI Specification compliant
USB Audio Recorder Record/Playback
Other Functions
App Functions Virtual Technician app (iPad), Sound Museum app (iPhone/iPad)
Connector Jacks Headphone 2 x 1/4″ Stereo jacks
Line Out 1/4″ L/MONO, R [unbalanced]
Line In
USB to Host
USB to Device
Others Damper (for F-10H)
Power Consumption 9 W
Power Power cable
AC adaptor (PS-129)
Sheet Music
Others Warranty Card *
Owner’s Manual
Music Rest
F-10H damper pedal (with half-pedal support)

* Depending on market location.


重量 260 kg
尺寸 132 × 153 × 65 cm



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