河合KAWAI-CN39白 河合數位鋼琴 正原廠貨



Kawai的CN系列數字鋼琴屢獲殊榮,繼承了90多年卓越的鋼琴製造經驗。 CN39的設計採用漸進諧波成像技術,以驚人的精確度捕捉到了著名的Shigeru Kawai SK-EX Concert三角鋼琴的令人難以置信的鋼琴音調。 Responsive Hammer III鍵盤操作可提供公認的最佳觸摸響應,被認為是目前最好的觸摸響應之一。 CN39具有功能強大的音響系統,其高級音響設備專家Onkyo的關鍵組件均在其中。最新的OLED顯示屏使整齊地位於鍵盤左側的控制面板具有出色的視覺清晰度。來自移動設備的播放音頻可以使用內置的Bluetooth™功能通過CN39聲音系統進行連接,該功能還允許與其他設備進行無線MIDI連接。 CN39具有標準功能,例如大踏板感系統,空間耳機聲音選擇和USB功能,是目前最流行的數字鋼琴之一。
The award-winning heritage of Kawai’s CN Series Digital Pianos embodies over 90 years of piano building excellence. The design of the CN39 captures the incredible piano tone of the famed Shigeru Kawai SK-EX Concert Grand Piano with stunning accuracy using Progressive Harmonic Imaging technology. Delivering authentic touch response, considered to be among the best available, is the Responsive Hammer III keyboard action. The CN39 features a powerful sound system with key components from premium audio equipment specialists Onkyo. Exceptional visual clarity of the control panel, nestled neatly to the left of the keyboard, is the result of the latest OLED display. Playback audio from mobile devices can connect through the CN39 sound system using the built-in Bluetooth™ feature, which also allows for wireless MIDI connection with other devices. With standard features like Grand Feel Pedal System, Spatial Headphone Sound selection, and USB capabilities, the CN39 is one of the most popular digital pianos available.






結合了一流的響應式Hammer III鍵盤操作和令人驚嘆的SK-EX,SK-5和EX三角鋼琴音色,並配有功能強大的Onkyo 4揚聲器傳送系統,便捷的USB音頻功能,Bluetooth®連接性和多種聲音選擇,CN39以無與倫比的價格提供令人印象深刻的規格。


■  Class-leading Responsive Hammer III keyboard action
■  Ivory Touch key surfaces, triple sensor, let-off, counterweights
■  Progressive Harmonic Imaging sound with 88-key sampling
■  Shigeru Kawai SK-EX & Kawai EX concert grand piano sounds
■  Powerful four speaker delivery system developed with Onkyo

■  Integrated Bluetooth® MIDI and Audio wireless technology
■  MP3/WAV/SMF playback, record, and overdub to USB
■  Built-in classical etudes and Alfred lesson books
■  Spatial Headphone Sound for enhanced depth and realism
■  Attractive cabinet with cheekblock control panel and OLED display


川井最新的CN系列數字鋼琴提供逼真的全尺寸鍵盤,優美的三角鋼琴聲音和耳機插孔,可在一天中的任何時候進行靜默練習。 這些價格合理的樂器還提供了適合家庭成員的各種鼓舞人心的功能,並且具有引人注目的櫥櫃設計,可滿足任何房間的需求。 來自河合的新CN系列–一起體驗音樂。

Kawai’s latest CN series digital pianos provide a realistic full-sized keyboard, beautiful grand piano sounds, and headphone jacks that allow silent practise at any time of the day. These affordable instruments also offer a variety of inspiring features suitable for everyone in the family, and have attractive cabinet designs that will complement any room. The new CN series from Kawai – experience music, together.


三角鋼琴的觸感:響應式Hammer III鍵盤操作

CN29一流的響應式Hammer III鍵盤操作以其逼真的機芯和堅固,無彈力的設計再現了原聲三角鋼琴的至高音質,提供了流暢自然的鋼琴演奏體驗。 該儀器的三傳感器按鍵檢測系統增強了響應速度和準確性,同時整個動作組件的結構加固有助於最大程度地減少斷奏和強音通過時的噪音和按鍵晃動。

The CN29’s class-leading Responsive Hammer III keyboard action recreates the supreme touch of an acoustic grand piano, with its realistic movement and rigid, springless design providing a smooth and natural piano playing experience. The instrument’s triple-sensor key detection system enhances responsiveness and accuracy, while structural reinforcements throughout the action assembly help to minimise noise and key wobble during staccato and fortissimo passages.

鍵盤的重量經過適當分級,可以反映出原聲鋼琴的重低音錘和輕便的高音錘,而放開模擬則可以重現輕柔地彈奏大鋼琴琴鍵時的微妙“缺口”感。 這些重要的特徵使獨具慧眼的鋼琴家能夠自信地練習不斷擴展的曲目,並確保在被要求使用最好的原聲三角鋼琴演奏時不會出現令人不快的驚喜。

The weight of the keyboard is appropriately graded to mirror the heavier bass hammers and lighter treble hammers of an acoustic piano, while let-off simulation recreates the subtle ‘notch’ sensation felt when softly playing the keys of a grand piano. These important characteristics allow discerning pianists to practise their expanding repertoire with confidence, and ensure that there are no unpleasant surprises when called upon to perform using the finest acoustic grand pianos.


除了等級加權的錘子之外,Responsive Hammer III鍵盤操作還具有嵌入在每個黑白鍵中的配重。 與原聲鋼琴一樣,這些細微平衡的配重有助於減輕鋼琴演奏過程中鍵盤的觸感,同時在用力演奏時會增加力度感。

In addition to grade-weighted hammers, the Responsive Hammer III keyboard action also features counterweights embedded within each black and white key.
As with an acoustic piano, these finely balanced weights help to lighten the touch of the keyboard during pianissimo passages, while adding a feel of greater substance when playing with force.


Responsive Hammer III鍵盤操作採用了精確的三傳感器按鍵檢測系統,以增強演奏真實感。 添加的第三個傳感器提高了反复彈奏同一琴鍵時的響應能力,並且與許多數字鋼琴中常見的傳統兩個傳感器鍵盤操作不同,它允許單個音符的聲音逐漸“分層”而不會丟失以前的音調。 此外,Kawai的動作技術還監視每個鍵的抬起速度,影響鋼琴聲音的釋放特性,並在斷音和連奏演奏之間提供更大的表達範圍。

The Responsive Hammer III keyboard action utilises an accurate triple-sensor key detection system for enhanced playing realism.The added third sensor improves responsiveness when playing the same key repeatedly, and unlike conventional two sensor keyboard actions found in many digital pianos, allows the sound of a single note to be gradually ‘layered’ without the previous tone being lost. In addition, Kawai’s action technology also monitors the speed at which each key is lifted, influencing the release character of piano sounds, and providing a greater range of expression between staccato and legato playing.


令人印象深刻的CN29配備了Kawai高度評價的Ivory Touch鍵表面。 這種質地細膩的材料可溫和吸收指尖的汗水和油脂,以幫助控制演奏,並具有自然,啞光的外觀,既光滑又不滑膩。 此外,該水分被吸收,而沒有污垢或油脂滲入表面,因此僅使用濕布即可輕鬆擦拭鍵盤頂部。

The impressive CN29 features Kawai’s highly regarded Ivory Touch key surfaces as standard.  This finely textured material gently absorbs fingertip perspiration and oils to assist playing control, and possesses a natural, matte finish that is smooth but not slippery.Furthermore, this moisture is absorbed without dirt or grease permeating the surface, allowing the keytops to be wiped clean easily using just a damp cloth.


作為同類產品中最真實的數碼鋼琴鍵盤樂器,Responsive Hammer III甚至重現了原聲鋼琴樂器的“放像”特性。 輕柔地彈奏大鋼琴的琴鍵時,會感覺到這種微妙的“缺口”感,並且經驗豐富的鋼琴家可使用這種微妙的“缺口”感來幫助您彈奏鋼琴演奏。

As the most authentic digital piano keyboard action in its class, Responsive Hammer III even reproduces the ‘let-off’ characteristic of acoustic piano actions. This subtle ‘notch’ sensation can be felt when playing the keys of a grand piano very gently, and may be used by experienced pianists to aid control when playing pianissimo passages.



河合茂(Shigeru Kawai)贏得了“日本頂級鋼琴”的美譽,在世界各地的音樂廳和音樂機構的舞台上大放異彩,並因其出色的音調清晰度和出色的動態範圍而倍受讚譽。 CN29捕捉了旗艦Shiwaiu Kawai SK-EX演唱會三角鋼琴的壯麗音色。這款無與倫比的樂器是由日本工匠大師河內茂(Shigeru Kawai)鋼琴研究實驗室的大師手工製作的,被公認為同類產品中最好的樂器之一。

此外,CN29還具有Kawai廣受讚譽的EX演唱會三角鋼琴的獨特音色,該鋼琴已由專業鋼琴家在肖邦,柴可夫斯基和魯賓斯坦國際鋼琴比賽等著名活動中入選。 SK-EX和EX均採用先進的Harmonic Imaging™聲音技術進行了完整的88鍵採樣,真實再現了數字鋼琴音調質量的新標準,並使音樂家欣賞到兩者的鮮明對比。

Earning a reputation as the ‘premier pianos of Japan’, Shigeru Kawai instruments grace the stages of concert halls and musical institutions throughout the world, and are prized for their outstanding tonal clarity and exceptional dynamic range.The CN29 captures the magnificent tone of the flagship Shigeru Kawai SK-EX concert grand piano.  This peerless instrument is hand-built by Master Piano Artisans at the Shigeru Kawai Piano Research Laboratory in Ryuyo, Japan, and widely regarded as one of the finest instruments in its class.

 In addition, the CN29 also features the distinctive sound of Kawai’s highly acclaimed EX concert grand piano, which has been selected by professional pianists in such prestigious events as the Chopin, Tchaikovsky, and Rubinstein international piano competitions, among others.Both the SK-EX and EX are faithfully reproduced with full 88-key sampling using advanced Harmonic Imaging™ sound technology, to establish a new standard in digital piano tonal quality, and allow musicians to appreciate the contrasting properties of each.


SK29和EX演唱會三角鋼琴的豐富而富有表現力的聲音是CN29的核心,這些世界一流樂器的所有88個鍵都經過精心記錄,精心分析並準確地再現為高保真數字波形。 。 以這種方式分別錄製每個琴鍵-而不是在多個不同音符上延伸相同的音調-保留了三角鋼琴獨特的和聲特徵,並保證在演奏CN29的任何加權琴鍵時聽到的聲音都是對鋼琴的忠實表現。 原始聲源。

The rich, expressive sound of the SK-EX and EX concert grand pianos is at the heart of the CN29, with all eighty-eight keys of these world-class instruments painstakingly recorded, meticulously analysed, and accurately reproduced as high-fidelity digital waveforms.


彈奏精美鋼琴時,施加在鍵盤上的壓力不僅會影響所產生聲音的音量,還會影響每個音符的獨特音調特徵。 因此,為了構造每架大鋼琴的逼真的聲學肖像,不僅要單獨錄製每個琴鍵,而且還要錄製各種不同的音量,從柔和的鋼琴演奏到雷鳴的fortissimo。 CN29採用了Kawai專有的漸進諧波成像採樣技術,可提供極為詳細的聲學肖像,以確保鍵盤上以及整個動態範圍內的色調平穩過渡。

When playing a fine piano, the amount of pressure applied to the keyboard affects not only the volume of the sound produced, but also the unique tonal character of each note.  Therefore, in order to construct a realistic acoustic portrait of each grand piano, not only is each key recorded individually, but also at a wide variety of different volumes, ranging from gentle pianissimo to thunderous fortissimo.The CN29 offers a highly detailed acoustic portrait, employing Kawai’s proprietary Progressive Harmonic Imaging sampling technology to ensure smooth tonal transitions across the keyboard and throughout the entire dynamic range.


經驗豐富的鋼琴技師的知識和技能對於發揮出最好的原聲鋼琴至關重要。 除了調整每個音符外,技術人員還執行許多調節和發聲調整,使樂器能夠真正地唱歌。 CN29的虛擬技術員“智能模式”以數字方式模擬了這些改進,具有十種預設配置,可以智能地調節三角鋼琴的各種特性以匹配不同的音樂風格。 為了獲得更大的靈活性,“高級模式”允許玩家使用專用的Virtual Technician iPad應用程序執行觸摸重量和人聲調整,調節重錘和琴鍵釋放的噪音以及微調弦和阻尼共振。

The knowledge and skill of an experienced piano technician is essential to bring out the best of a fine acoustic piano. In addition to tuning each note, the technician also performs numerous regulation and voicing adjustments that allow the instrument to truly sing.The CN29’s Virtual Technician ‘Smart Mode’ simulates these refinements digitally, with ten preset configurations that intelligently adjust various characteristics of the grand piano to match different musical styles.For greater flexibility, ‘Advanced Mode’ allows players to perform touch weight and voicing adjustments, regulate hammer and key release noises, and fine-tune string and damper resonances using the dedicated Virtual Technician iPad app.


CN39強大的數字效果引擎增強了樂器的出色核心音效,並應用了更多的細節和真實感,使演奏栩栩如生。 錄音室品質的混響允許鋼琴演奏者將自己置於六個聲學環境之一中,從小型練習室到鼓舞人心的大大教堂。

The CN39’s powerful digital effects engine enhances the instrument’s superior core sounds, applying additional layers of detail and realism that bring performances to life.Studio-quality reverb allows pianists to position themselves within one of six acoustic environments, ranging from a small practise room to an inspirational grand cathedral.



CN29與日本領先的高級音頻設備製造商之一的Onkyo合作開發,具有全新的主板和揚聲器系統設計。 這些高級組件相結合,可提供一流的音頻質量,產生極其豐富,清晰的聲音,同時失真最小。

Developed in collaboration with Onkyo, one of Japan’s leading premium audio equipment manufacturers, the CN29 features a brand new motherboard and speaker system design. These premium components combine to deliver best-in-class audio quality, producing an extremely rich, clear sound with minimal distortion.


CN39主板和聲音硬件旨在實現精確的信號轉換和最佳的聲音質量。 Onkyo在生產高級音頻組件方面無與倫比的知識和經驗可確保清晰,高保真的聲音,並且失真最小。

The CN39 motherboard and sound hardware is designed for precise signal conversion and optimum sound quality. Onkyo’s unrivalled knowledge and experience in producing premium audio components ensures clear, high-fidelity sound with minimal distortion.


選擇CN39的優質Onkyo揚聲器驅動器是因為它們具有平坦的頻率響應和超低失真特性,從而確保了最原始的Shiwaiu Kawai SK-EX演唱會三角鋼琴的最精確再現。

The CN39’s premium quality Onkyo speaker drivers were selected for their flat frequency response and ultra-low distortion characteristics, ensuring the most accurate reproduction of the original Shigeru Kawai SK-EX concert grand piano.


CN39的高性能4揚聲器輸出系統在其價格範圍內無與倫比,旨在再現原聲鋼琴的諧波頻譜。 較低範圍的頻率通過樂器的底部傳遞,而中高頻通過頂部安裝的揚聲器向外投射,從而產生了與大鋼琴的聲音投射非常接近的膨脹音調。

Unrivalled in its price range, the CN39’s high-performance 4-speaker output system is designed to reproduce the harmonic spectrum of an acoustic piano. Lower-range frequencies are delivered through the underside of the instrument, while mid and high frequencies are projected outward via top-mounted speakers, resulting in an expansive tone that closely mirrors the sound projection of a grand piano.


除了優美的原聲鋼琴聲音外,CN29還提供適度的其他聲音選擇,從電子鋼琴,拉桿或教堂風琴到弦樂,人聲合唱團和合成板,應邀音樂家為他們的表演增添更多多樣性。 此外,雙重演奏模式還允許將兩種不同的聲音(例如大鋼琴和弦樂)疊加在一起,而“四手演奏”模式將鍵盤分為兩個獨立的44鍵部分。 此功能在學習環境中特別有用,它允許老師和學生(或學生和學生)使用單個樂器同時演奏。

Supplementing the beautiful acoustic piano voices, the CN29 also features a modest selection of additional sounds, ranging from electric pianos and drawbar or church organs, to strings, human choirs, and synth pads, inviting musicians to add greater variety to their performances.Furthermore, the Dual playing mode also allows two different sounds, such as grand piano and strings, to be layered together, while the Four Hands mode divides the keyboard into two independent 44-key sections. This feature is particularly useful in learning environments, allowing teacher and student (or student and student) to play together at the same time using a single instrument.



便利性和靈活性 CN29還補充了該樂器一流的響應式Hammer III鍵盤操作和漸進式諧波成像鋼琴音色,還提供了多種便捷的數字功能,進一步增強了您的音樂享受。 多種選擇的樂器音色,內置的課程歌曲以及錄製和播放演奏的能力只是從臉頰控制面板可訪問的部分功能,而內置的Bluetooth®功能可無線連接至智能設備。

Complementing the instrument’s class-leading Responsive Hammer III keyboard action and Progressive Harmonic Imaging piano sounds, the CN29 also offers a variety of convenient digital features that further enhance one’s musical enjoyment.A selection of different instrument voices, built-in lesson songs, and the ability to record and playback performances are just some of the features accessible from the cheek-block control panel, with built-in Bluetooth® functionality for connecting to smart devices wirelessly.


除了優美的原聲鋼琴聲音外,CN29還提供適度的其他聲音選擇,從電子鋼琴,拉桿或教堂風琴到弦樂,人聲合唱團和合成板,應邀音樂家為他們的表演增添更多多樣性。 此外,雙重演奏模式還允許將兩種不同的聲音(例如大鋼琴和弦樂)疊加在一起,而“四手演奏”模式將鍵盤分為兩個獨立的44鍵部分。 此功能在學習環境中特別有用,它允許老師和學生(或學生和學生)使用單個樂器同時演奏。

Supplementing the beautiful acoustic piano voices, the CN29 also features a modest selection of additional sounds, ranging from electric pianos and drawbar or church organs, to strings, human choirs, and synth pads, inviting musicians to add greater variety to their performances.Furthermore, the Dual playing mode also allows two different sounds, such as grand piano and strings, to be layered together, while the Four Hands mode divides the keyboard into two independent 44-key sections. This feature is particularly useful in learning environments, allowing teacher and student (or student and student) to play together at the same time using a single instrument.



The CN29’s convenient lesson function allows aspiring pianists to learn piano with classical Czerny, Burgmüller, Beyer, and Chopin etudes, or collections of songs from the popular Alfred’s Basic Piano course books.
The left and right hand parts of each etude/song can be practiced separately, using the adjustable metronome feature to perfect timing in difficult passages, before recording the completed piece for self-evaluation.
* Notated scores and Alfred lesson books sold separately.


除了標準的USB和MIDI端口外,CN29還具有集成的藍牙MIDI技術,使數碼鋼琴可以與支持的智能設備進行無線通信。 與電話,平板電腦或筆記本電腦配對後,CN29所有者可以通過廣泛的教育,性能和計分應用程序輕鬆擴展儀器的功能。 還免費提供專用的Kawai虛擬技術員控制應用程序,它提供了一種令人愉悅的方式,可以通過引人入勝的觸摸界面來學習和調整各種原聲鋼琴特性,而無需額外的適配器或電纜。 *藍牙®功能的可用性可能會因市場區域而異。 *有關更多信息,請參閱Bluetooth MIDI信息支持頁面。

In addition to standard USB and MIDI ports, the CN29 also boast integrated Bluetooth MIDI technology, allowing the digital piano to communicate with supported smart devices wirelessly.Once paired with a phone, tablet, or laptop, CN29 owners can easily expand the instrument’s functionality with a wide range of education, performance, and scoring apps. A dedicated Kawai Virtual Technician control app is also freely available, providing an enjoyable way to learn about and adjust various acoustic piano characteristics from an attractive touch interface, without the need for additional adaptors or cables.
* Availability of Bluetooth® function may vary depending on market area.
* For more information please refer to the Bluetooth MIDI Information support page.


Kawai的Grand Feel Pedal System鞏固了CN系列在價格範圍內最逼真的數碼鋼琴的聲譽。 這項獨特的功能準確地複制了Shigeru Kawai SK-EX演唱會三角鋼琴的阻尼器,軟音和sostenuto踏板的位置和各自的重量,從而進一步增強了CN29的原聲吉他般的真實性。

Reinforcing the CN Series’ reputation as the most realistic digital pianos in their price range is Kawai’s Grand Feel Pedal System. This unique feature accurately replicates the position and individual weighting of the damper, soft, and sostenuto pedals of a Shigeru Kawai SK-EX concert grand piano to further enhance the CN29’s acoustic piano-like authenticity.


當通過耳機或耳機收聽時,CN29的空間耳機聲音(SHS)技術增強了樂器聲音的深度和真實感。 播放器可以選擇三種不同的聲學預設之一,以調整聲音的空間位置,同時還有助於減少長時間使用耳機時的聽覺疲勞。 此外,CN29還允許玩家選擇各種耳機類型(開放式,半開放式,封閉式,入耳式,耳道式等),以獲得最佳的聆聽體驗。

The CN29’s Spatial Headphone Sound (SHS) technology enhances the depth and realism of the instrument’s sound when listening through headphones or earphones. The player can select one of three different acoustic presets that adjust the spatial positioning of the sound, while also helping to reduce auditory fatigue when using earphones or headphones for extended periods of time.In addition, the CN29 also allows players to select a variety of headphone types (Open, Semi-open, Closed, In-Ear, Canal, etc.) for an optimised listening experience.


CN29的特點是易於使用的控制面板,它整齊地嵌入在左臉頰內,帶有高分辨率的OLED顯示屏,可提供有關當前選擇的聲音,功能或設置的信息。 與同類產品中的大多數其他數碼鋼琴不同,CN29的各種聲音和功能都可以直接從控制面板選擇,而無需在記憶不同的組合鍵時按住按鈕。 這有助於簡化操作,並確保即使是家庭中最年輕的成員也可以欣賞鋼琴。

The CN29 features an easy to use control panel neatly embedded within the left cheekblock, with a high resolution OLED display providing information about the currently select sound, function, or setting.Unlike most other digital pianos in its class, the CN29’s various sounds and functions are all selected directly from the control panel, without needing to press and hold buttons while remembering different key combinations. This helps to simplify operation, and ensures that the piano can be enjoyed by even the youngest members of the family.



CN29的現代機櫃採用弧形支腿設計,帶有簡約的鞋頭,可提高穩定性。 其平坦的面板和高高的上面板使該樂器具有傳統的直立式鋼琴般的音質,而僅29厘米深的CN29緊湊型機身適合於公寓和其他狹窄空間。

The CN29’s modern cabinet incorporates a curved leg design, with minimalist toe blocks for additional stability. Its flat fascia and tall upper board give the instrument a traditional, upright piano-like quality, while at just over 40 centimetres deep, the CN29’s compact body is suitable for apartments and other narrow spaces.


CN29廣泛的音樂架經過精心設計,可容納最雄心勃勃的音樂作品,並具有高質量的表面和引人注目的圓形設計。 與三角鋼琴一樣,可以調節樂器音樂架的視角以適合演奏者的演奏位置,也可以放平以方便記譜或草擬音樂構想。

The CN29’s broad music rest is engineered to accommodate the most ambitious musical works, with a high-quality surface and attractive round design.As with a grand piano, the viewing angle of the instrument’s music rest can be adjusted to suit the performer’s playing position, or laid flat for convenience when notating scores or sketching musical ideas.



Keyboard ・ Responsive Hammer III action
– 88 keys
– Grade-weighted hammers
– Ivory Touch white key surfaces
– Let-off simulation
– Triple sensor key detection
– Counterweights
Pedal ・ Grand Feel Pedal System
– Damper (with half-pedal support)
– Soft
– Sostenuto
Piano Sound ・ Progressive Harmonic Imaging (PHI)
– 88-key stereo sampling
– SK-EX, SK-5, EX recording
– 256 note maximum polyphony
Piano Resonance ・ Acoustic Rendering
– Damper Resonance
– String Resonance
– Undamped String Resonance
– Cabinet Resonance
Piano Adjustment ・Virtual Technician (19 parameters)
– Touch Curve (incl. User Touch Curve)
– Voicing (incl. 88-key User Voicing)
– Damper Resonance
– Damper Noise
– String Resonance
– Undamped String Resonance
– Cabinet Resonance
– Key-off Effect
– Fall-back Noise
– Hammer Delay
– Topboard Simulation
– Decay Time
– Minimum Touch
– Stretch Tuning (incl. 88-key User Tuning)
– Temperament (incl. User Temperament)
– Temperament Key
– Key Volume (incl. 88-key User Key Volume)
– Half-Pedal Adjust
– Soft Pedal Depth・Virtual Technician Smart Mode (10 presets)
No. of Sounds 355 voices (incl. 9 drum kits), GM2 compatible
Reverb 6 types
Other Effects 24 types
Speakers 13 cm x 2 (Onkyo low-mid range speakers)
(8 x 12 cm) x 2 (Onkyo mid-high range speakers)
Output Power 40 W (20 W x 2)
Headphone Enhancements Spatial Headphone Sound
Headphone Type
Display 128 x 64 pixel OLED
Key Cover Sliding type
Music Rest Collapsible type (3 angle adjustability)
Dimensions Width 144.5 cm (57″)
Depth 43.5 cm (17 1/3″)
Height 88 cm (34 2/3) [music rest flat]
105.5 cm (41 1/2″) [music rest raised]
Weight 54 kg (119 lbs.)
Available Finishes Premium Satin Black (CN39B)
Premium Satin White (CN39W)
Premium Rosewood (CN39R)
Basic Functions Dual
Four Hands
Startup Setting
Internal Songs Sound Demo 32 songs
Piano Music 29/42 songs *
Concert Magic 176 songs
Lesson Songs Burgmüller 25 (25 Etudes Faciles, Opus 100)
Czerny 30 (Etudes de Mécanisme, Opus 849)
Czerny 100 (Hundert Übungsstücke, Opus 139)
Beyer 106 (Vorschule im Klavierspiel, Opus 101)
J.S. Bach: Inventionen
Sonatinen Album 1
Chopin Walzer (Chopin waltzes series 1-19)
Alfred’s Premier Piano Course Lesson 1A
Alfred’s Premier Piano Course Lesson 1B
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Lesson Book Level 1A
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Lesson Book Level 1B
Alfred’s Basic Adult Piano Course Lesson Book Level 1
Internal Recorder Total Memory approximately 90,000 notes
No. of Songs 10 songs
Parts 2 part
Metronome Time Signatures 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 3/8, 6/8, 7/8, 9/8, 12/8
Drum Rhythms 100 patterns
Bluetooth * Bluetooth (Ver. 4.1; GATT compatible)
Bluetooth Low Energy MIDI Specification compliant
Bluetooth Audio
USB Audio Recorder Record/Playback MP3
SMF (16 track recording)
Other Functions Overdubbing
Re-record SMF
App Functions Virtual Technician app (iPad), Sound Museum app (iPhone/iPad)
Connector Jacks Headphone 1 x 1/4″, 1 x 1/8″ Stereo jacks
Line Out 1/4″ L/MONO, R [unbalanced]
Line In 1/4″ L/MONO, R [unbalanced]
USB to Host
USB to Device
Power Consumption 20 W
Power Power cable
AC adaptor (PS-154)
Bench Fixed-height or height-adjustable bench *
Headphones Headphone hook
Sheet Music Classical Piano Collection *
Classical Lesson Scores *
Finger Exercises
Others Warranty Card *
Owner’s Manual
Internal Song Lists


重量 260 kg
尺寸 132 × 153 × 65 cm



搶先評價 “河合KAWAI-CN39白 河合數位鋼琴 正原廠貨”

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